Bamboo Pearls

Bamboo Pearls


These are mentioned in the Sri Garuda Purana as the Bamboo Tree Pearl (Venu Mani)

Bamboo Pearls is for Luck/Good fortune, love, longevity/endurance, spiritual centeredness/consciousness, happy family relations, straightforwardness, truthfulness/sincerity, peace and tranquility, resilience/adaptability, and rapid personal growth/self-development are all attributes of the Spiritual Bamboo Totem


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Bamboo Pearls – The Bamboo Plant Deva

Bamboo Pearls is associated with numerous mythological stories. It has long been used in religious ceremonies and is said to have numerous medicinal properties. It has inspired and been the subject of numerous artistic endeavors and musical masterpieces.

Bamboo Pearls  is well-known for promoting spiritual development. It contains powerful Totem magic for those who want to improve their mental flexibility, Cognitive agility, Thinking Skills, Intellectual ability, spiritual growth, artistic abilities, and overall health.

Bamboo helps to bring harmony, stability and restore balance to the earth and is vital to the world’s ecology. It prevents soil erosion,surface runoff and grows quickly and efficiently. Bamboo is a grass that can grow to heights of more than 100 feet. It is always lush and ornamental, giving many animals and birds privacy and shelter. During an earthquake, the best place to be is in a bamboo grove. It is used in the construction of many buildings to provide stability, strength and security during high winds or severe storms.

Monks seeking a peaceful and enlightening environment to meditate have long used bamboo groves. The Buddha was said to have lived in a bamboo grove. Bamboo represents the “Wealth of Nothingness” because it grows into space and is thus related to Zen Buddhism’s spiritual foundation of Nothingness. The peaceful chirping of leaves in the wind transports you to a magical and spiritual realm.

The dried culms or stalks of bamboo are extremely strong and have numerous practical and artistic applications. Dried bamboo is used to construct strong houses, beautiful furniture, decorative guard rails, flooring, and window and floor coverings. It can be used to make containers, hats, firearms, and kitchen utensils.

Living Bamboo is used in both decorative and protective landscaping. Throughout history, dried culms have been used to make musical instruments. Bamboo shoots provide nutrition to thousands of individuals because they are low in calories and fat while being high in fiber and potassium.

This grass’s medicinal properties are legendary. It has been widely used in the past and present for its excellent healing properties. The leaves, stems, sap, and roots are all used to treat a variety of ailments as well as to strengthen and improve overall health. Black bamboo root powder has been used to fight tumors, kidney problems, infectious diseases, persistent coughs, and as an aphrodisiac.

This is just a sampling of its many rejuvenation properties and applications, and all types of bamboo can be used medicinally, each serving its own purpose for the good health of those who can benefit from this wonderful healing plant.

The bamboo has several tree virtues that are potent and valuable, and anyone would be wise to use them. One who possesses the power of the Bamboo totem will experience greater strength, flexibility, and health, as well as a greater sense of fairness, allowing them to act justly and without haste.

Bamboo Perals is for Luck/Good fortune, love, longevity/endurance, spiritual centeredness/consciousness, happy family relations, straightforwardness, truthfulness/sincerity, peace and tranquility, resilience/adaptability, the ability to bend with complexity rather than be broken by it, altruism/genorosity, strength/power/confidence, tenacity/fighting spirit/will power, artistic motivation/imagination, and rapid personal growth/self-development are all attributes of the Spiritual Bamboo Totem. Improves business and social life; protects against negative energies.

Bamboo Plant Pearls are said to bestow their owner with special magical abilities. Bamboo Pearls are characteristics of their host plant; they possess all of the amazing characteristics and properties that can be seen in the Bamboo itself; the flexibility, versatility and grace of this plant are contained within the pearl, waiting for its proper owner to grant its inner magic on that unique and fortunate individual.

Also Check : Gaharu/Agarwood Pearl

Bamboo Pearls For century’s religious leaders, shamans, priestesses, healers, spiritualists ,psychics, mystics and practitioners of the occult , illuminati have used Bamboo to transfer the strong magical energy of the Bamboo to themselves and to others in need of this powerful magic.

Bamboo pearls are highly sought after by those who want to incorporate Bamboo virtues into their lives and develop stronger mental, cognitive, psychic abilities like those embodied by this resilient plant. The owner of a Bamboo pearl will find their lives, spiritual energy, and mental clarity imbued with all of the virtues associated with one of the plant world’s “Friends of Winter,” Bamboo.

The Bamboo totem is a powerful spirit, and its mystical and mystical properties make it one of the most powerful plant totems. Resilience, vitality, adaptability, good fortune, longevity/endurance, and many other qualities can be infused into the spirit of the owner of this magical pearl and the Bamboo totem.



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