Bakao Tree Pearl

Bakao Tree Pearl


Fossilized Bakao Fruit Pearl

Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; attractiveness.
The Magnificent Tree Totem possesses the following benefits:

Knowledge, wisdom, sustenance, beauty, fruitfulness, solidity, unity, faith, interconnectedness, understanding, protection, good health, wonder, happiness – cheerfulness, bliss, endurance – strength, stamina, creativity – Imagination, innovation, nurturing instincts – loving and caring, and the power of giving, repels negative energies, attracts benevolent forces, is powerful for healing, and attracts luck and prosperity


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General virtues for all Wood

Builds up a protective Shield
arround the Aura; Wards of negative energies & Spirits; Healing Powers;
Attracts luck, Personal Magnetism
Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; attractiveness.

The Legendary Tree Totem possesses the following benefits:

Knowledge, wisdom, sustenance, beauty, fruitfulness, solidity, unity, faith, interconnectedness, understanding, protection, good health, wonder, happiness – cheerfulness, bliss, endurance – strength, stamina, creativity – Imagination, innovation, nurturing instincts – loving and caring, and the power of giving, repels negative energies, attracts benevolent forces, is powerful for healing, and attracts luck and prosperity

General virtues are mentioned here,
Details of the Psychic paper readings is only given after the purchase of the Bezoar
stones–Mustika pearl.

The Tree Totem is a symbolic representation of a tree.

The mythological and factual stories and symbols of this vital member of our planet and consciousness include the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, the Joshua Tree, the Giving Tree, and the Dragon Tree. Trees provide us with the oxygen we all require to live and thrive. They purify the air and provide us with shade and protection. They provide habitat for a diverse range of wildlife. None of us would be able to survive on Earth without the mighty and minute trees that grow on it. Trees, in fact, provide critical environmental sustenance to the world by regulating the climate and bringing water into the earth.

Many people eat fruit and nuts from trees. Because fruit and nut trees are so nutritious, we could survive if there were no other food on the planet. The list is endless: apple, orange, pear, plum, lime, lemon, guava, cherries, peach, coconut, fig, walnut, almond, chestnut, and hazelnut. Their roots, bark, and fruits are used to treat and heal us. Many medicines are derived from tree species. Our houses are made of trees, our fires are made of trees, and the paper on which we write and create art is made of trees. We use tree wood for an incredible variety of practical and whimsical purposes.

Trees are unparalleled in terms of mythology and legend. The tree is giving. It provides oxygen, fruit, wood, shelter, shade, and information in exchange for these things.

The Magnificent Tree Totem has the following characteristics:

Knowledge, wisdom, sustenance, beauty, fruitfulness, solidity, unity, faith, interconnectedness, understanding, protection, good health, wonder, happiness, endurance, creativity, nurturing instincts, and the power of giving wards off negative energies, attracts benevolent forces, and brings luck and prosperity.

Tree Pearls is said to bestow their owner with special magical abilities. Tree Pearls are unique to their host; they have all of the amazing characteristics that can be seen in the Tree itself; the dignity and grace of the tree are contained within the pearl, waiting for its proper owner to bestow its inner magic on that one-of-a-kind and fortunate individual.

For centuries, shamans, high priests, psychics, mystics, illuminati, kabalistic and occult practitioners have been using tree/animal pearls to transfer the Tree’s powerful magical energy to themselves and others in need of this commanding tree/animal magic.

Tree pearls are highly sought, particularly prized after by those who want to incorporate Tree-like virtues into one ‘s lives and build stronger mental abilities like those embodied by this magnificent creature. The owner of a Tree pearl will have their lives, spiritual energy, and mental clarity imbued with all of the virtues associated with the earth’s “Sustainer,” the Tree.

The Magnificent Tree Totem possesses the following benefits:

Knowledge, wisdom, sustenance, beauty, fruitfulness, solidity, unity, faith, interconnectedness, understanding, protection, good health, wonder, happiness – cheerfulness, bliss, endurance – strength, stamina, creativity – Imagination, innovation, nurturing instincts – loving and caring, and the power of giving, repels negative energies, attracts benevolent forces, is powerful for healing, and attracts luck and prosperity

The Tree Deva totem is a powerful spirit with one of the most powerful magical properties of any animal totem. Strength, potency, stability, power, confidence, relationship, friendship, virtue, cooperation, and many other virtues can be infused into the spirit of the bearer of this magical pearl and the Tree totem.

Bakao Tree Pearls
R=Second Ray, C=Anahata, P=Venus, E=Earth, S=Tiphareth, R=Fehu, Z=Taurus/Libra, T=Emperor, W=Prabu Bharata, A=Jophiel, G=Goddess, AO=Principalities
Fossilized Bakao Fruit Pearl

Attracts luck; improves sales and social life; charisma; personal magnetism; healing; attractiveness.


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