Himalaya Rock Salt Lamp
Himalayan Pink Rock Salt lamp absorbs water vapors from the atmosphere, this process is called hygroscopic. In the process negative ions are produced by the Himalayan Pink Rock salt lamp. The bacteria, virus are positively charged and negative ions generated from the Himalayan Pink Rock lamp neutralize them.
Light up your room with the relaxing Salt Crystal light. The Salt lamp is great for office decor, aesthetic room decor, desk decor, home decor, bedroom decor and so much more! Can be used as night lights for an adult, night lights for kids or relaxing night lights.
1 Himalayan pink rock Salt Lamp with 1 Power Cable (with Bulb Holder and Bulb)
2. Reduce Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Because Himalayan salt lamps remove microscopic particles of dust, pet dander, mold, mildew and the like from the surrounding air, placing a lamp or two in the rooms where you spend the most time can seriously cut back on allergy symptoms. Even people who suffer from asthma should notice a big difference after a week or two
3. Improve Mood and Concentration Himalayan pink salt lamps are a great way to naturally enhance your mood or to help you relax and unwind at the end of the day. At the same time and on the opposite side of the coin, HPS lamps are great for improving concentration. Again, this is due to the effect of the negative ions on your body, improving blood and oxygen supply to the brain and other organs, as well as providing a boost of serotonin the neurotransmitter which makes us (literally) feel happy.