


An excellent shield-stone, pyrite removes negativity from the aura and surroundings to help one concentrate.

$ ఇది సంపదను ఆకర్షించే క్రిస్టల్ గా మరియు రక్షణ, అదృష్టంనకు ప్రతినిదిగా  కూడా చెప్తారు.

$ ఇది మేధస్సు, తర్కం, విశ్లేషణ, సృజనాత్మకత, జ్ఞాపక శక్తి మరియు మానసిక అబివ్రుద్దిని పెంచుతుంది.

$ మీరు వెళ్ళే మార్గంలో ప్రశాంతంగా, ఎటువంటి ఆందోళనలు లేకుండా ముందుకు సాగటంలో మరియు  ఇది మీ సొంత గుప్త మానసిక ప్రతిభ మరియు సామర్ధ్యాలను వెలికితీయటంలో మీకు సహాయపడుతుంది.

$ దీనిని ‘ఫూల్స్ గోల్డ్’ మరియు ‘హీలర్స్ గోల్డ్’ అని కూడా అంటారు.

$ డబ్బును ఆకర్షించటంలో ఇది ఎంతో చక్కగా పనిచేస్తుంది. దీనిని దరించటం వలన మీ వ్యాపారాలలో మంచి లాబాలను అందుకోగలరు.

Pyrite is a symbol of wealth, abundance, and good luck.

place this pyrite raw in workspaces, studios, and any spot where creative thinking takes place to attract success.

and more…..


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An excellent shield-stone, pyrite removes negativity from the aura and surroundings to help one concentrate.

Pyrite is a symbol of wealth, abundance, and good luck.

place this pyrite raw in workspaces, studios, and any spot where creative thinking takes place to attract success.

Pyrite helps to balance the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra.

It helps to improve your focus, clarity, strength, energy, willpower, and confidence.

Pyrite raw is a useful tool for artists, writers, and musicians.

It is a beneficial crystal raw for increasing creativeness and imagination.

Pyrite raw is helpful to heal your chakras and harmonize your mind, body, and soul.

Place this pyrite raw on your desk and the office represents your career.

Keep it with you to deflect harm and danger.

Place pyrite raw in your workplace to encourage leadership qualities and is an ally for managers and those working toward a promotion.

It helps to remove anxiety and frustration.
Pyrite is known as a money magnet. Always carry it to attract business or career opportunities.
Wearing pyrite and jewellery bracelets increases the power of the third solar chakra in both men and women. When the pyrite jewellery touches your skin, it immediately gives you an increase in vitality and a joy of living.
Pyrite Stone is also known to help remedy financial difficulties and attract abundance. It is an excellent gemstone to use in demonstrations, especially when it comes to wealth and prosperity.
Pyrite Stone also helps you make wise financial decisions, encouraging you to see the positive aspects of life rather than the negative ones. Wearing pyrite jewellery helps you pursue your goals and dreams, taking action, and working until you accomplish the task.

Pyrite helps to keep you strong, stable, and free of the chains of domination.


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